
Your Tarot Reading For January 19, 2020 is The Chariot - Triumph

The Chariot is showing up for you today with a message to focus on your goals and remove distractions.

The Chariot is a card of strength, determination, triumph and willpower.

It is a sign to take focused action and stick to the course you’ve chosen no matter what challenges come your way.

Think of it like a divine chariot carrying you to your desired destination.

The chariot card is a call for you to assert yourself and be courageous, as your success is all but guaranteed.

Don’t forget, you still have to take inspired action to bring your goals to fruition, but the Universe does have your back! Your chariot awaits!

We are never given a dream or the desire to achieve a goal without the means to do so. The Universe will support you along the way.

It is time for you to concentrate on the tasks and ideas set before you so that you can reach that next desired goal.

To help assist the Universe and divine energy in this endeavor, create a Goal List of what you would like to accomplish (either short-term or long-term) and the feelings you will feel when you have it!

Get a clear picture in your head of what is around you when you achieve your goal, who is nearby, what are you hearing, what are you saying, and even what you’re wearing!

Whenever the Chariot appears to me, I allow myself to imagine what it will feel like when I achieve my goal..

I imagine who’s around me and what I’m saying in my head and out loud or what motions I’m doing. Sometimes I even see myself doing a happy dance and it makes me smile!

Today’s Affirmation:

“I will stay focused on my goals until I achieve them, knowing that I am being assisted by the Universe to make them real at time. And I will trust that my goals will be accomplished exactly as I have seen them in my visualizations.”