
Your Personal Numerology Reading For July 05, 2020

when I was meditating today I was clearly shown the Nine of Wands coming up for you.

The Nine of Wands speaks of attainment, resilience, accumulation, experience, and completion. It can also indicate your mind has been creating challenges where there are none.

Are you finally ready to release any negativity in your thinking and limiting beliefs that are holding you hostage in your own thoughts?

The number nine denotes completion. Time to let go and move on!

The Nine of Wands is a message about setting limits for yourself and others. It’s about boundaries, which can also indicate creating boundaries around your thinking!

The Nine of Wands indicates that although your inner resources may feel exhausted, there is inner strength you can tap into when it is most needed.

You have ‘grit’, and you are divinely connected! You are resilient!

If you have been overwhelmed with doubt, worry, despair or anxiety, this card comes to you now to remind you that you can find the strength to achieve what seems impossible.

Confronted with a crisis, we are often able to access this special strength. It is the kind of strength that we do not know we possess until we actually need it.

Such reserves of energy can come in handy, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

When we feel like we are at the end of our rope, the fighting warrior spirit of the Nine of Wands becomes invaluable.

It tells of the ability to defend what has been gained and implies that stability is gained through hard and diligent work.

Facts About the Number 35
The Nine of Wands tarot card specifically relates to the number 35 and 8. The number 8 energy brings power and spirituality, psychic ability, the teacher and the healer.

In relation to the number 35/8, the 9 of Wands tells of a need within to use one’s creative abilities in all endeavors.

Number 8 energy brings power and spirituality, psychic openings, the teacher and the healer. It also represents giving and receiving.

35 is the sum of the first five triangular numbers, making it a tetrahedral number.

When Social Security set the retirement age at 65 in 1935, the average American only lived 61.7 years.

Today’s Affirmation:
“I am not alone, I am divinely connected. I find trust in the power of my soul and the power in the divine to guide me toward letting go of whatever mental distress I’m carrying. I set down my burden and move forward in strength.”